Oct. 7-9, 2017 at Hotel East 21 Tokyo
Mr.Wade Driver Mr.Mike Seastrom Ms.Deborah Carroll-Jones
Satoshi Wakamatsu, President
Thank you for your participation to our CIub’s 55th Anniversary Party.
I would like to express our appreciation on behalf of the club members.
We would also like to express our deepest appreciation towards the support and cooperation of the Participants,
the involved parties and persons throughout this long fifty five years towards our activities.
Every five years, we have been inviting guest callers to our anniversary party, and this time,
it is our pleasure to have three great callers, Mr. Wade Driver,Mr. Mike Seastrom,and Ms.Deborah Carroll-Jones.
We are also happy to have many nation-wide participants from Hokkaido in the North to Kyushu in the Sooth of Japan
and overseas participants from Australia, Taiwan, China, and Serbia.
It is our utmost pleasure to be able to hold this party with such an international character.
Although we have intended to prepare for this party carefully, I appreciate your understanding
if we may have inconvienced you in any way.
I hope you will enjoy your stay for this three days, and enjoy the calling of the guest callers.
As l maintain the great tradition that our senior members have built in this past 55 years,
I will steadily continue the club activities on the 56th year, 57th year, and so on.
I will do my best towards the development and prosperity of Square Dance, and I ask all of your kind support.
Lastly, I wish for your health and success in your future. Thank you again for joining us at this party.
All the members present of TSDC
Guest Callers
The call of Three guest callers was such a wonderful.
They are unrivaled in performance and technique, even in case of solo, duet.
Especially in the joint call, all the "Big Three" acted their part to perfection !!
Probably they are the greatest callers in the world.
We are fully convinced that all the dancers have been highly satisfied with their performance.
The Ceremony
Country Live Show
Callers Meeting
The Outdoors Dance
1st Dinner
2nd Dinner
Tokyo Square Dance Club / Satoshi Wakamatu