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Tokyo SD Club * Coffee Break Page

Last Up Date : September 16 2013

Snack Committee 2013
Chief : Ms.Kyoko Baba, Sub-Chief : Ms. Noriko Tatukawa

At every club dance of the Tokyo square dance club, we have always snack time. Talking with friends, about how to make the costume, and making the plan of golf or a travel... etc. in snack time. Subject does not cease.
This year's "snack" policy will be different from the past years'. Previously, the snack team has been too busy and preoccupied with preparations that they were unable to join the dancing. To overcome this, we will serve fewer snacks and refreshments for the regular Saturday gatherings, however we are happy to announce that freshly made coffee directly from the coffee-pot will be available for all members, so please enjoy it!
As for the "Smile" and "Christmas" parties, we will offer lots of delicious finger foods and refreshments. Anybody from overseas are also always welcomed to join our square dance club and taste our snacks and refreshments!


Click a Photo to an Extended Image

 Refreshments on September 14 2013
 Refreshments on September 7 2013
*Refreshments on August 5 2008
*Refreshments on June 9 2007
Refreshments on September 14 2013

Refreshments on September 7 2013

Refreshments on August 2 2008

Refreshments on June 9 2007

Snack Goods

