Why don ft you come to Tokyo and visit our club? We are having fun!!!
*Every Saturday night at 6:00 to 8:45.
*5 minute-walk from Honancho Station
Marunouchi Subway Line.
Contact us and we fll give you more information.
Club Dance Schedule & Map Click Here!!

When you visit us again, please check with our

March 13. 2025
Club Dance Schedule UP

Mail To : Tokyo Square Dance Club (Satoshi Wakamatu)

Dear 'Square Dance Friends f throughout the world.
Welcome to the web page of Tokyo Square Dance Club(TSDC)! Our club, established in 1962, is a circle of friends who are like a warm family with the same hobby. We are aiming to grow globally and create bright, joyful and wonderful friendships. We would also like better mutual understanding with SD friends all over the world through our common taste of SD. We now have about 15,000 SD fans in Japan. We would like to enjoy SD much more with you as a lifelong sport and recreation. Take a look at our web page and let fs enjoy DS together.

Great is the gJOY h to see a friend who comes from far!!!
TSDC is gMS Level h SD Club. Could you visit us, and have a happy time through SD dancing? We are looking forward to seeing you.
Regarding our regular dancing sessions, Please refer to the following.
You will find "Guide to Club Dance and Event", including schedule, site location with map, and contact address.
For more details, please refer to the following.
If you need further help from us, please please don ft hesitate to contact us at:
Mail to: Tokyo Square Dance Club

Yours Sincerely,
President : Satoshi Wakamatu
International Friendship Promotion Committee: Eiken Chin, Claudia Ota.
Web Page Committee : Hiroshi Yaoko
Photo : Satoshi & Makiko Wakamatu (TSDC President & his wife.)

Mail To : Tokyo Square Dance Club (Satoshi Wakamatu)