Descriptions are quoted from [ ] in U.S.A

  7. Allemande Family
    a. Allemande Left
    b. Left Arm Turn     c. Right Arm Turn
  8. Arm Turns
  9. Right and Left Grand Family
    a. Right & Left Grand.     b. Weave the Ring
    c. Wrong Way Grand
  10. Star Family
    a. Left Hand Star
    b. Right Hand Star
  11. Pass Thru NEXT PAGE

Starting formation - any position where dancers can conveniently turn 90E or less to face their corner.
Dancers face their corners and turn by the left forearm. Releasing armholds and stepping forward, each dancer ends facing his partner.
Starting formation - facing dancers. Dancers join left forearms and walk forward around each other the distance specified; e.g. half (180), three quarters (270E), full (360E), etc.
Like left arm turn except dancers turn with the right forearm.
Styling: The arms are held past the wrist but not past the elbow joint. Each dancer places his hand on the inside of the arm of the person with whom he is to work. The fingers and thumb are held in close. The center of the turn will be at the joined arms, so, while turning, each dancer is moving equally around the other.
Timing: Full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2.

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Starting formation - facing dancers.
Dancers join left forearms and walk forward around each other the distance specified; e.g. half (180), three quarters (270), full (360), etc.
Like left arm turn except dancers turn with the right forearm.
Styling: The arms are held past the wrist but not past the elbow joint. Each dancer places his hand on the inside of the arm of the person with whom he is to work. The fingers and thumb are held in close. The center of the turn will be at the joined arms, so, while turning, each dancer is moving equally around the other.
Timing: Full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2.

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Starting formation - square or circle or any position where dancers may conveniently turn 90 or less (if necessary) to face opposite sex, men facing counterclockwise, ladies clockwise.
If necessary, dancers turn 90 or less to face opposite sex (men counter-clockwise, ladies clockwise) join right hands, if not already joined, and pull by. Each moves ahead, around the circle, and gives the left hand to the next, a right to the next and a left to the next until each dancer meets the person with whom he started.
A right and left grand without touching hands.
Like right and left grand, but men move clockwise and ladies move counterclockwise.
Styling: In the right and left grand for all dancers, hands are involved with alternating pull-by movements, no twirls. Arms should be held in natural dance position and the handhold position should be released as dancers pass each other. Men particularly should stand tall and resist the temptation to lean over and stretch out their hand to the next person. Just a comfortable extension of the arm and hand is all that is necessary. In the weave the ring, ladies will work their skirt with both hands as they move around the square, not exaggerated but with both hands on skirt. Men hold hands in natural dance position. The motion is one with the circle not too large and with the dancers leading with their right shoulder as they pass the dancer on the right, then with the left shoulder as they pass the dancer on the left. Brief eye contact should be made as they meet each dancer.
Timing: Until you meet your partner on the other side, 10 steps.

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Starting formation - facing dancers, facing couples, square, circle. (a) LEFT HAND STAR, (b) RIGHT HAND STAR. The directed dancers step forward and extend designated hands to form a left or right hand star. Dancers turn the star by walking forward in a circle around the center of the star. Turning distance of the star may be specified in fractions of one quarter, one half, three quarters, or a complete revolution.
Styling: In a forward moving star inside hands should be joined in a "palm star" position (hands of those making the star at about average eye level - palms touching), arms bent at elbow. Men's outside arms in natural dance position, ladies' outside hands work skirt.
Timing: 4 people, full around, 8; three quarters, 6; one half, 4; one quarter, 2. 8 people, full around, 16; three quarters, 12; one half, 8; one quarter, 4.

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Starting formation - facing dancers. Dancers move forward, passing right shoulders with each other. Each ends in the other's starting position but neither dancer changes facing direction.
Styling: Man's right shoulder slightly forward as right shoulders pass. Arms in natural dance position. Ladies work skirts with hands, right hand leading as right shoulders pass.
Timing: From a static square (SS), heads or sides passing thru across the set, 4; Box, 2.

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Basic Program
LIST NO.1 (BASIC)   1. Dancer Naming     2. Circle Left/Circle Right     3. Fowerd & Back    
  4. Do Sa Do/Dosado to a Wave     5. Swing     6. Promenade/Single File Promenade
LIST NO.2 (BASIC)   7. Allemande Left     8. Arm Turns     9. Right and Left Grand Family
10. Left-Hand Star/Right-Hand Star     11. Pass Thru
LIST NO.3 (BASIC) 12. Split Two     13. Half Sashay Family     14. Turn Back Family     15. Separete Around 1 or 2
16. Courtesy Turn     17. Ladies Chain Family
LIST NO.4 (BASIC) 18. Do Pa So     19. Lead Right     20. Right And Left Thru     21. Grand Square     22. Star Thru
23. Circle to a Line
LIST NO.5 (BASIC) 24. Bend the Line     25. All Around The Corner     26. See Saw
27. Square Thru ( 1,2,3,4 )/Left Square thru ( 1,2,3,4 )   28. California Twirl     29. Dive Thru
LIST NO.6 (BASIC) 30. Wheel Around     31. Thar Family     32. Shoot the Star/Shoot the Star Full Around
33. Slip the Clutch     34. Box the Gnat     35. Ocean Wave Family
LIST NO.7 (BASIC) 36. Alamo Ring Formation     37. Pass The Ocean     38. Extend ( from 1/4 tag only )
39. Swing Thru/Left Swing Thru     40. Run/Cross Run     41. Trade Family
LIST NO.8 (BASIC) 42. Wheel And Deal     43. Double Pass Thru     44. First Go Left/Right   Next Go Left/Right
45. Zoom     46. Fluteter Wheel/Revers Flutter Wheel     47. Sweep a Quarter
LIST NO.9 (BASIC) 48. Veer Left/Veer Right     49. Trade By     50. Touch 1/4     51. Circulate Famly
52. Ferris Wheel
Mainstream Program
LIST NO.10 (MS) 53. Cloverleaf     54. Turn Thru     55. Eight Chain Thru     56. Pass to the Center    
57. Spin the Top
LIST NO.11 (MS) 58. Centers In     59. Cast Off 3/4     60. Walk & Dodge     61. Slide Thru
62. Fold/Cross Fold
LIST NO.12 (MS) 63. Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave     64. Spin Chain Thru     65. Tag the Line     66. Half Tag
67. Scoot Back     68. Single Hinge/Couples Hinge     69. Recycle ( from a wave only )
