Descriptions are quoted from [ ] in U.S.A

  30. Wheel Around   31. Thar Family
    a. Allemand Thar         b. Wrong Way Thar
  32. Shoot the Star ( Regular, Full Around )   33. Slip the Clutch
  34. Box the Gnat   35. Ocean Wave Family
    a. Right Hand Wave         b. Left Hand Wave
    c. Alamo Style Wave       d. Wave Balance

Starting formation - couple. The couple, working as a unit, turns around (180). The left hand dancer backs up while the right hand dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers.
Styling: Same as in couples promenade.
Timing: 4 steps.

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An allemande thar star is a formation and may be formed at the end of any left arm turn by the center dancers (or those directed) forming a right hand box star and backing up. Each outside dancer holds the left forearm of a center dancer and walks forward.
A wrong way thar may be formed at the end of any right arm turn by the center dancers (or those directed) forming a left hand box star and backing up. Outside dancers hold the right forearm of a center dancer and walk forward.

Styling: When the men are in the center backing up, their right hands will form a packsaddle/box star, taking the wrist of the man in front of him. When the ladies star, they will simply touch hands in the center. The dancers forming the star must remember to allow those on the outside to set the pace, since they have to travel a much further distance. If the centers move too fast, the result is that those on the outside will have to run to maintain the pace. As in any star, the ladies, while on the outside, may elect to hold their skirts.
Timing: SS, from allemande left to point of backup star, 12 steps.

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32. SHOOT THE STAR ( Regular, Full Around )
Starting formation - thar or wrong way thar. The handholds forming the center star are released as each center dancer and the adjacent outside dancer arm turn one half (180) or full (360) as directed. If half or full is not directed, the arm turn is one half.
Styling: The forearm position is used for shooting the star. Outside hands free and in natural dance position. Lady will continue to hold skirt until hand is needed for next command.
Timing: Regular, 4 steps; full around, 8.

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Starting formation - thar or wrong way thar. Dancers in the center of the thar stop and, while retaining the star, release armholds with the dancers beside them. Everyone then moves forward within the circle in which he was traveling while in the thar.
Styling: Despite the change of moving direction, you can make the switch flowing and comfortable if the armhold is released effortlessly and that same hand is held ready to turn the next person as directed.
Timing: 2 steps.

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Starting formation - facing dancers (man and lady). Dancers step forward, join and then raise their right hands. The lady steps forward and does a left-face U turn back under the raised joined hands, as the man walks forward and around the lady while doing a right-face U turn back. Dancers end facing each other, each in the other's starting position.
Styling: Start with a handshake position. The joined fingers must be held so that the man's fingers may turn over the lady's fingers easily while still providing some degree of security or stabilization. At the completion of the movement, the hands should be in handshake position.
Timing: 4 steps from point of contact.

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Ocean wave is a formation of three or more dancers holding adjacent hands and with each dancer facing in an opposite direction to that of the adjoining dancer(s). MINI WAVE is an ocean wave consisting of two dancers.
An ocean wave with an even number of dancers is a right-hand wave if the end dancers and the dancers adjacent to them have right hands jointed.
An ocean wave with an even number of dancers is a left-hand wave if the end dancers and the dancers adjacent to them have left hands joined.
Alamo style is a formation of an even number of dancers in a circle holding adjacent hands and with each dancer facing in an opposite direction to that of the adjoining dancers.
Starting formation - mini-wave, ocean wave. Each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back on the free foot and pauses while touching the other foot beside it.

Styling: Dancers should use hands-up position. Forward distance between dancers should be determined by the arm position of the dancer which is extended forward and bent slightly at the elbow. Care should be taken not to pull down on the partner's arm. In the Ocean Wave Balance, hands should never come behind the shoulders. Step forward touch, step back touch. Or, as a pleasing variation, use a two-step (step, close, step, hold) forward and a two-step (step, close, step, hold) back. Hands may be used to resist forward motion to prevent stepping through too far.
Timing: One balance forward and back, 4 steps.

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Basic Program
LIST NO.1 (BASIC)   1. Dancer Naming     2. Circle Left/Circle Right     3. Fowerd & Back    
  4. Do Sa Do/Dosado to a Wave     5. Swing     6. Promenade/Single File Promenade
LIST NO.2 (BASIC)   7. Allemande Left     8. Arm Turns     9. Right and Left Grand Family
10. Left-Hand Star/Right-Hand Star     11. Pass Thru
LIST NO.3 (BASIC) 12. Split Two     13. Half Sashay Family     14. Turn Back Family     15. Separete Around 1 or 2
16. Courtesy Turn     17. Ladies Chain Family
LIST NO.4 (BASIC) 18. Do Pa So     19. Lead Right     20. Right And Left Thru     21. Grand Square     22. Star Thru
23. Circle to a Line
LIST NO.5 (BASIC) 24. Bend the Line     25. All Around The Corner     26. See Saw
27. Square Thru ( 1,2,3,4 )/Left Square thru ( 1,2,3,4 )   28. California Twirl     29. Dive Thru
LIST NO.6 (BASIC) 30. Wheel Around     31. Thar Family     32. Shoot the Star/Shoot the Star Full Around
33. Slip the Clutch     34. Box the Gnat     35. Ocean Wave Family
LIST NO.7 (BASIC) 36. Alamo Ring Formation     37. Pass The Ocean     38. Extend ( from 1/4 tag only )
39. Swing Thru/Left Swing Thru     40. Run/Cross Run     41. Trade Family
LIST NO.8 (BASIC) 42. Wheel And Deal     43. Double Pass Thru     44. First Go Left/Right   Next Go Left/Right
45. Zoom     46. Fluteter Wheel/Revers Flutter Wheel     47. Sweep a Quarter
LIST NO.9 (BASIC) 48. Veer Left/Veer Right     49. Trade By     50. Touch 1/4     51. Circulate Famly
52. Ferris Wheel
Mainstream Program
LIST NO.10 (MS) 53. Cloverleaf     54. Turn Thru     55. Eight Chain Thru     56. Pass to the Center    
57. Spin the Top
LIST NO.11 (MS) 58. Centers In     59. Cast Off 3/4     60. Walk & Dodge     61. Slide Thru
62. Fold/Cross Fold
LIST NO.12 (MS) 63. Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave     64. Spin Chain Thru     65. Tag the Line     66. Half Tag
67. Scoot Back     68. Single Hinge/Couples Hinge     69. Recycle ( from a wave only )
